Inspect Data Structures in Transformed Lab Topology

netlab inspect prints data structures in transformed lab topology (usually stored in netlab.snapshot.yml) created by netlab create command. You can display data in YAML or JSON format, and select a subset of data from the transformed topology or from an individual node.

When selecting data from an individual node, netlab adds group variables to node data, effectively displaying what you would see in the Ansible inventory.


netlab inspect command is replicating the functionality of netlab create -o yaml:expression command with a more convenient user interface.


usage: netlab inspect [-h] [--snapshot [SNAPSHOT]] [--node NODE] 
                      [--format {yaml,json}] [expr]

Inspect data structures in transformed lab topology

positional arguments:
  expr                  Data selection expression

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --snapshot [SNAPSHOT]
                        Transformed topology snapshot file
  --node NODE           Display data for selected node
  --format {yaml,json}  Select data presentation format


To display this information…

…use this command

whole transformed topology

netlab inspect

node data

netlab inspect nodes

address pools

netlab inspect addressing

data for node r1

netlab inspect --node r1

Formatting modifier can select any subset of the lab topology, for example:

To display this information…

…use this command

interface data for node r1

netlab inspect --node r1 interfaces

device data for device eos

netlab inspect defaults.devices.eos

valid attributes for the BGP module

netlab inspect defaults.bgp.attributes

Finally, the formatting modifier is evaluated as a Python expression, so you can display most things that can be expressed as a one-line expression (don’t forget to quote the expression):

To display this information…

…use this command

second interface on node r1

netlab inspect --node r1 'interfaces[1]'

node names

netlab inspect 'list(nodes.keys())'