Changes in Release 0.5¶
Major changes in Release 0.5:
containerlab virtualization provider
More flexible virtualization provider framework (see below)
System topology defaults have been moved into the library subdirectory (to be read with importlib.resources functions)
Bug fixes:
Set OSPF subnet mask on unnumbered interfaces on Arista EOS
Replace underscores with dashes in Arista EOS hostnames
Flexible virtualization providers framework¶
Virtualization provider can be defined in a dynamically loaded Python module
Device- and addressing defaults can be specified within provider defaults (example: use different username on containerized Arista EOS than on Vagrant box)
Provider-specific node data is copied from provider default into node data structure
Virtualization provider can specify hostname to be used in Ansible inventory (needed by containerlab)
Internal changes¶
Renamed library directories – preparing to publish the solution as a Python package
Reorganized unit tests into subdirectories