# Changes in Release 0.5 Major changes in Release 0.5: * containerlab virtualization provider * More flexible virtualization provider framework (see below) * System topology defaults have been moved into the library subdirectory (to be read with *importlib.resources* functions) Bug fixes: * Set OSPF subnet mask on unnumbered interfaces on Arista EOS * Replace underscores with dashes in Arista EOS hostnames ## Flexible virtualization providers framework * Virtualization provider can be defined in a dynamically loaded Python module * Device- and addressing defaults can be specified within provider defaults (example: use different username on containerized Arista EOS than on Vagrant box) * Provider-specific node data is copied from provider default into node data structure * Virtualization provider can specify hostname to be used in Ansible inventory (needed by containerlab) ## Internal changes * Renamed library directories -- preparing to publish the solution as a Python package * Reorganized unit tests into subdirectories