Generic Linux Devices

You can run Linux hosts or routers in virtual machines or containers. The default image used for a Linux virtual machine is Ubuntu 20.04, the default container image is Python 3.9 container running on Alpine Linux.

To use any other Linux distribution or container, or to start a home-built Vagrant box or Docker container, add image attribute with the name of Vagrant box or Docker container to the node data[1]. The only requirements for a Linux virtual machine is working Python environment (to support Ansible playbooks used in netlab initial command) and the presence of ip command used in initial device configuration. Docker containers have no requirements (see below)

Hosts File

As the typical lab topology does not include DNS, netlab adds entries for all lab devices to the Linux /etc/hosts file. The initial configuration templates add entries mapping all non-VRF IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to node names and entries mapping VRF IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to the vrf.node name.

netlab always creates entries for individual device interfaces in the /etc/hosts file; otherwise, the name resolution picks a random device IP address instead of the loopback IP address when doing ping or traceroute. For example, these entries would be generated for a router with two dual-stack interfaces: r
2001:db8:0:1::1 r eth1.r
2001:db8:1::1 eth1.r eth2.r
2001:db8:1:1::1 eth2.r

Similar entries are generated for hosts (devices without loopback interfaces): h1 eth1.h1
2001:db8:1::2 h1 eth1.h1

On a VRF-enabled router, you might get the following entries (the router has only VRF interfaces; and are VRF loopback addresses): dut red.dut blue.dut

The netlab-generated entries are appended to the existing /etc/hosts file on virtual machines. The container /etc/hosts file is generated from scratch to remove the management IP addresses containerlab inserted into the /etc/hosts file.

Host Routing

Generic Linux device is an IP host that by default does not support IP forwarding or IP routing protocols. It uses static routes set up as follows:

  • IPv4 default route points to Vagrant- or containerlab management interface (set by Vagrant/DHCP or containerlab).

  • IPv6 default route points to whichever adjacent device is sending IPv6 Route Advertisement messages (default Linux behavior).

  • IPv4 static routes for all IPv4 address pools defined in lab topology point to the subnet default gateway on the first non-management interface.

The default gateway on a subnet is set by the gateway module. If you’re not using that module, netlab sets the default gateway to the interface IP address of the first non-host[2] device connected to the subnet.

Packet Forwarding on Linux Hosts

IPv4 and IPv6 packet forwarding on Linux devices is controlled with the role node parameter:

  • host (default): a Linux device does not perform packet forwarding and cannot be the default gateway for other hosts.

  • gateway: a Linux device does not perform packet forwarding but acts as the default gateway for other hosts. You will have to install a proxy (or a similar solution) for inter-subnet packet forwarding.

  • router: A Linux device performs packet forwarding but does not run routing protocols. Use frr or cumulus device if you want to run routing protocols on a Linux server.

Loopback Interface

netlab does not configure a global loopback IP address on Linux nodes with role set to host (the default netlab setting).

A loopback IP address is allocated to a Linux node if you set role to any other value, and the initial configuration script configures an additional IP address on the lo interface, for example:

vagrant@host:~$ ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:4f:a9:00:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
       valid_lft 3587sec preferred_lft 3587sec
    inet6 fe80::a4f:a9ff:fe00:1/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:50:03:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe50:35a/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


LLDP is started on Ubuntu virtual machines if the netlab_lldp_enable group variable is set to True (default setting is False). LLDP is not started in Linux containers or in non-Ubuntu Linux virtual machines.

To enable LLDP on Ubuntu virtual machines, set the netlab_lldp_enable node parameter or defaults.devices.linux.group_vars.netlab_lldp_enable variable to True.

DHCP Relaying on Linux

DHCP relaying on Ubuntu and Cumulus Linux uses isc-dhcp-relay, and is implemented only for IPv4. The isc-dhcp-relay has a few limitations:

  • The list of DHCP servers is specified per daemon, not per interface. The configuration template combines DHCP servers specified on all interfaces into a single list of servers.

  • While it might be possible to run a DHCP relay within a single VRF (for intra-VRF, not inter-VRF relaying), netlab does not implement that. DHCP relaying with isc-dhcp-relay does not work between VRF interfaces.

Initial Configuration on Linux Virtual Machines

netlab supports two Linux networking configuration mechanisms:

  • Netplan-based configuration on Ubuntu – used when the netlab_linux_distro group variable is set to ubuntu (default setting)

  • Traditional configuration with ip commands.

You might have to change the initial configuration mechanism to traditional configuration if you’re using Linux virtual machines that are not based on Ubuntu. To do that, set the node netlab_linux_distro parameter to vanilla or set defaults.devices.linux.provider.group_vars.netlab_linux_distro variable to vanilla.

Ubuntu Package Installation During Initial Configuration

If needed the netlab initial configuration script installs lldpd and net-tools Ubuntu packages.

  • net-tools package is installed if the netlab_net_tools variable is set to True (default setting is False) and if the arp command cannot be found.

  • lldpd package is installed if the netlab_lldp_enable variable is set to True (default setting is False) and if the lldpd.service is not running.

The package installation is performed only when the netlab_linux_distro variable is set to ubuntu (see Initial Configuration on Linux Virtual Machines)

netlab initial configuration script will skip Ubuntu package installation if it can find arp command or if the lldpd.service is already running, allowing you to build custom Vagrant boxes that require no Internet access during the initial configuration.

Initial Configuration on Linux Containers

The initial configuration process (netlab initial) does not rely on commands executed within Linux containers:

  • The /etc/hosts file is generated during the netlab create process from the templates/provider/clab/frr/hosts.j2 template (see Generating and Binding Custom Configuration Files).

  • Interface IP addresses and static routes to the default gateway (see Host Routing) are configured with ip commands executed on the Linux host but within the container network namespace.

  • Static default route points to the management interface.

You can, therefore, use any container image as a Linux node.