Generic Routing Configuration Module
This configuration module implements generic routing features:
Platform Support
The following table describes high-level per-platform support of generic routing features:
Operating system |
Routing |
Prefix |
AS-path |
Static |
Arista EOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Aruba AOS-CX |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cisco IOS/XE[1] |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cumulus Linux |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Linux |
❌ |
❌ |
❌ |
❌ |
✅ |
Nokia SR Linux |
✅ |
✅ ❗ |
Nokia SR OS |
✅ |
VyOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
See Routing Integration Tests Results for more details.
Routing Policies
Routing policies are lists of instructions that can match route parameters and set route attributes. Each routing policy entry can have these attributes:
action: A routing policy entry can permit or deny matched routes (default: permit)
sequence: Statement sequence number. When not specified, netlab sets a routing policy entry’s sequence number to ten times its list position.
match: Conditions that must match for the routing policy entry to take effect. Entries without a match parameter match all routes
set: Parameters that are set on matched routes.
You can match these route parameters in a netlab routing policy:
prefix: Match a prefix filter defined in routing.prefix dictionary
aspath: Match a BGP AS-path filter defined in routing.aspath dictionary
community: Match a BGP community filter defined in dictionary
You can set these route parameters in a netlab routing policy:
locpref: BGP local preference
med: Route metric (for example, BGP MED)
prepend: BGP AS-path prepending (more details)
weight: BGP weight
community: A dictionary that can be used to set, add, or remove standard, large, or extended communities.
The dictionary has these parameters:
standard: Standard BGP communities to set
large: Large BGP communities to set
extended: Extended BGP communities to set. The value is passed to the network device as-is (the same value might not work on all devices).
append: Add communities to existing BGP communities
delete: Remove specified communities from the BGP route
Routing policies are specified in the global- or node-level routing.policy dictionary (see Using Global- and Node-Level Routing Objects and Merging Routing Objects for more details).
The dictionary keys in the routing.policy dictionary are policy names (route map names), and the dictionary values are routing policies (lists of routing policy entries).
The following example specifies three routing policies: two global routing policies setting BGP local preference to different values and a node routing policy setting MED.
module: [ routing ]
- set.locpref: 17
- set.locpref: 42
- 100
Platform Support
You can use these routing policy match parameters on devices supported by the routing module:
Operating system |
IPv4/IPv6 |
IPv4/IPv6 |
Arista EOS |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
Aruba AOS-CX |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cisco IOS/XE[1] |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cumulus Linux |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
Nokia SR Linux |
✅ |
VyOS |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
You can use these routing policy set parameters on devices supported by the routing module:
Operating system |
AS-path |
Local |
Weight |
Community |
Arista EOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Aruba AOS-CX |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cisco IOS/XE[1] |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cumulus Linux |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Nokia SR Linux |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
❌ |
Nokia SR OS |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
❌ |
VyOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
The attribute can be used to set these BGP communities on supported devices:
Operating system |
Standard |
Large |
Extended |
Append |
Delete |
Arista EOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Aruba AOS-CX |
✅ |
❌ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cisco IOS/XE[1] |
✅ |
❌ |
❌ |
✅ |
❌ |
Cumulus Linux |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
VyOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
❌ |
Shortcut Routing Policy Definitions
Routing policies tend to be verbose. You have to define a list of dictionaries with set and match attributes. netlab tries to reduce the verbosity with two shortcuts:
A routing policy with a single entry does not have to be a one-element list but could be a dictionary. For example, the following two routing policies are equivalent:
- set.locpref: 100
set.locpref: 100
Unambiguous keywords like med and locpref do not need to be within the set or match dictionary. netlab automatically moves them into the routing-policy-entry set dictionary. For example, the following two routing policies are equivalent:
- set.locpref: 100
match.prefix: pfx-list
locpref: 100
prefix: pfx-list
Dual-Stack Routing Policies
Most network operating systems cannot use match ip and match ipv6 commands in the same route map entry and behave differently when testing an IPv6 route with a route map entry that contains only match ip.
To avoid inconsistencies, netlab usually generates a separate per-address-family route map for each routing policy configured on a network device. The address-family-specific route maps are then used in device configuration.
For example:
If you create a routing policy X, and a node runs IPv4 and IPv6, netlab configures two route maps: X-ipv4 and X-ipv6.
When the same routing policy is used on a node that runs only IPv4, netlab configures only X-ipv4.
When the routing policy X is used in bgp.policy attribute, netlab uses route map X-ipv4 for IPv4 EBGP sessions and X-ipv6 for IPv6 EBGP sessions.
Prefix Filters (prefix-lists)
Prefix filters are lists of conditions (usually known as lists) that permit or deny IPv4 or IPv6 prefixes. You can use prefix filters in the match.prefix and match.nexthop parameters of routing policies to match IPv4/IPv6 routes or next hops. Each prefix filter entry can have these attributes:
action: A prefix filter entry can permit or deny matched prefixes (default: permit)
sequence: Statement sequence number. When not specified, netlab sets a prefix filter entry’s sequence number to ten times its list position.
ipv4: IPv4 prefix to match
ipv6: IPv6 prefix to match
pool: Name of the addressing pool to match
prefix: A named prefix to match
min: Minimum prefix length. It could be specified as an integer or a dictionary with ipv4 and ipv6 keys.
max: Maximum prefix length in the same format as the min parameters.
Prefix filters are specified in the global- or node-level routing.prefix dictionary (see Using Global- and Node-Level Routing Objects and Merging Routing Objects for more details).
The keys of the routing.prefix dictionary are filter names (prefix-list names), and the values are prefix filters (lists of prefix filter entries).
The following example specifies a prefix filter that matches the loopback pool, a named prefix, and an IPv6 prefix:
module: [ routing ]
- pool: loopback
- prefix: lb_c1
- ipv6: 2001:db8:cafe:2::/64
Dual-Stack Prefix Lists
Address pools, named prefixes, and prefix filter entries can contain IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes. Meanwhile, most network operating systems use different configuration objects to match IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes.
netlab generates separate per-address-family prefix lists for every prefix filter configured on a network device. The address family is appended to the prefix list name to deal with devices that cannot use the same names for IPv4 and IPv6 prefix lists.
To avoid route map inconsistencies, a prefix list that contains no usable entries (for example, an IPv6 prefix list generated from a prefix filter that matches only IPv4 prefixes) has a single deny everything condition.
Let’s assume we’re using the following prefix filters:
- ipv4:
- ipv6: 2001:db8:0:1::/64
- ipv4:
netlab generates these prefix lists on an IPv4-only device (IPv6 prefix list is not generated, and entry #20 is missing from P1):
ip prefix-list p1-ipv4 seq 10 permit
ip prefix-list p2-ipv4 seq 10 permit
Meanwhile, the following prefix lists are generated on a dual-stack device (including a meaningless IPv6 prefix list P2)
ip prefix-list p1-ipv4 seq 10 permit
ip prefix-list p2-ipv4 seq 10 permit
ipv6 prefix-list p1-ipv6 seq 20 permit 2001:db8:0:1::/64
ipv6 prefix-list p2-ipv6 seq 10 deny ::/0
BGP AS-Path Filters
AS-path filters are lists of conditions (usually known as as-path access lists) that permit or deny BGP AS paths (and consequently the routes carrying them). They match a list of AS numbers or a regular expression. You can use them in the match.aspath parameters of routing policies to match BGP routes. Each AS-path filter entry can have these attributes:
action: A prefix filter entry can permit or deny matched prefixes (default: permit)
sequence: Statement sequence number. When not specified, netlab sets a prefix filter entry’s sequence number to ten times its list position.
path: A list of autonomous systems to match or a regular expression to match
AS-path filters are specified in the global- or node-level routing.aspath dictionary (see Using Global- and Node-Level Routing Objects and Merging Routing Objects for more details).
The keys of the routing.aspath dictionary are filter names (prefix-list names), and the values are AS-path filters (lists of AS-path filter entries).
The following example specifies an AS-path access list that drops BGP prefixes originated in AS 65000 and permits everything else:
module: [ routing ]
- action: deny
path: _65000$
- action: permit
Shortcut BGP AS-Path Definitions
Filters encoded in YAML tend to be verbose, and we tried to do as much as we could to reduce BGP AS-path filter verbosity:
You can skip the action and sequence attributes.
Each entry in a BGP AS-path filter could be a simple string or a list of AS numbers. Such entries are converted into dictionaries with the path element set to the entry’s value.
A list of AS numbers in the path element is converted into a string of AS numbers separated by a blank
A BGP AS-path filter could be a single string. That string is first converted into a list and subsequently into a list containing a single dictionary.
The following example lists various shortened definitions of BGP AS-path filters:
ap1: 65000 # AS-path ACL as int => single-entry ACL
ap2: [ 65000 ] # Single-entry AS-path ACL
ap3: # AS-path ACL
- action: deny
path: [ 65000, 65001 ] # The first entry is a list of ASNs
- '6510.' # The second entry is a regexp
netlab normalizes these AS-path filters into the following data structure:
- action: permit
path: 65000
sequence: 10
- action: permit
path: 65000
sequence: 10
- action: deny
path: 65000 65001
sequence: 10
- action: permit
path: '6510.'
sequence: 20
BGP Community Filters
BGP community filters are lists of conditions (usually known as community lists) that permit or deny BGP routes based on standard BGP communities attached to them. They can match a list of communities or a regular expression. You can use them in the parameters of routing policies to match BGP routes. Each BGP community filter entry can have these attributes:
action: A prefix filter entry can permit or deny matched prefixes (default: permit)
sequence: Statement sequence number. When not specified, netlab sets a prefix filter entry’s sequence number to ten times its list position.
list: A list of communities to match
regexp: A regular expression to match
BGP community filters are specified in the global- or node-level dictionary. The dictionary keys are filter names (community-list names), and the dictionary values are BGP community filters (lists of BGP community filter entries).
The following example specifies a BGP community filter that drops BGP routes carrying communities defined by AS 65000 and permits everything else:
module: [ routing ]
- action: deny
regexp: _65000:[0-9]+_
- action: permit
Shortcut BGP Community Filter Definitions
Filters encoded in YAML tend to be verbose, and we tried to do as much as we could to reduce BGP community filter verbosity:
You can skip the action and sequence attributes.
Each entry in a BGP community filter could be a simple string or a list of BGP communities to match. Such entries are converted into dictionaries with the list or regexp element set to the entry’s value. netlab automatically determines whether a value is a list of communities or a regular expression.
A list of BGP communities in the list element is converted into a string of BGP communities separated by a blank
A BGP community filter could be a single string. That string is first converted into a list and subsequently into a list containing a single dictionary.
netlab automatically generates an expanded community list if at least one entry contains a regular expression, and a standard community list if all entries contain community values or lists of them.
The following example lists various shortened definitions of BGP community filters:
cl1: 65000:100 # Single-entry ACL
cl2: [ 65000:100, 65000:101 ] # Single-entry multivalue ACL
cl3: _65000:10[1-2]_ # Regular expression
cl4: # More complex standard ACL
- action: permit # Used to implement or-of-ands condition
path: [ 65000:100, 65001:100 ]
- action: permit
path: [ 65000:103, 65001:103 ]
cl5: # A mix of standard and extended conditions ==> extended
- action: deny
path: [ 65000:100, 65001:100 ] # first entry is a list of communities
- '_6510.:307_' # the second entry is a regexp
cl6: # Permit any at the end forces an extended clist
- action: deny
path: [ 65000:100, 65001:100 ]
- action: permit
netlab normalizes these BGP community filters into the following data structure:
- list: 65000:100
action: permit
sequence: 10
- list: 65000:100
action: permit
sequence: 10
- list: 65000:101
action: permit
sequence: 20
- action: permit
regexp: _65000:10[1-2]_
sequence: 10
- list: 65000:100 65001:100
action: permit
sequence: 10
- list: 65000:103 65001:103
action: permit
sequence: 20
- list: 65000:100 65001:100
action: deny
sequence: 10
- action: permit
regexp: _6510.:307_
sequence: 20
- list: 65000:100 65001:100
action: deny
sequence: 10
- action: permit
regexp: .*
sequence: 20
Static Routes
Static routes are defined as lists of prefix/next-hop pairs in the routing.static node attribute. Each static route entry must specify a prefix and a next hop.
The static route prefix can be defined with one of these attributes:
ipv4/ipv6 – an IPv4 and/or IPv6 prefix
pool – address pool prefix
prefix – a named prefix
node – a prefix of the specified node’s control-plane endpoint (loopback interface or first data-plane interface)
You can combine ipv4 and ipv6 prefixes in the same static route entry. All other attributes are exclusive and can specify both IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes.
A static route entry’s nexthop attribute specifies the next hop used to reach the specified prefixes. The next hop can be defined with any one of these attributes:
ipv4/ipv6 – an IPv4 and/or IPv6 next hop (an address, not a prefix)
gateway (boolean) – the next hop is the default gateway. This entry will be resolved into a list containing all directly connected default gateways in the specified next-hop VRF (a node might use more than one default gateway to reach a destination).
node – The next hop is the specified node. The node name will be resolved into a list of directly connected next-hops or the control-plane endpoint of a distant node (allowing you to specify recursive static routes).
You can combine ipv4 and ipv6 next hops in the same static route entry. gateway and node next-hop attributes are exclusive and can specify both IPv4 and IPv6 next hops.
Static route entries with an ipv4 prefix must have an ipv4 next hop (and likewise for ipv6). netlab does not support IPv6 next hops for IPv4 routes.
netlab will configure several static routes with different next hops if your topology has multiple direct links between the source and the next-hop node or if a node is attached to multiple links with default gateways.
Static routes cannot point to unnumbered IPv4 interfaces or LLA-only IPv6 interfaces.
For example, the following lab topology generates two static routes on node C for the loopback address of node X, pointing to the directly connected IP addresses of node P:
module: [ routing ]
- node: x
nexthop.node: p
module: [ ospf ]
module: [ ospf ]
links: [ c-p, c-p, p-x ]
After adding the static route for the loopback address of node X, we can add a static default route using that loopback address as the next hop:
module: [ routing ]
- node: x
nexthop.node: p
- ipv4:
nexthop.node: x
module: [ ospf ]
module: [ ospf ]
links: [ c-p, c-p, p-x ]
The following topology will add a default route toward the anycast default gateway:
module: [ routing ]
- ipv4:
gateway: True
module: [ gateway ]
module: [ gateway ]
- interfaces: [ c, s1, s2 ]
gateway.protocol: anycast
In the following topology, the node C is attached to two interfaces with a default gateway. netlab will configure two static default routes (one per default gateway):
module: [ routing ]
- ipv4:
gateway: True
module: [ gateway ]
module: [ gateway ]
- interfaces: [ c, s1, s2 ]
gateway.protocol: anycast
- interfaces: [ c, s1, s2 ]
gateway.protocol: anycast
VRF Static Routes
You can specify the vrf attribute in a static route entry to create a VRF static route. The lack of a vrf attribute indicates a static route in the global routing table (sometimes called default VRF).
You can also specify the vrf attribute in the next-hop definition to create an inter-VRF static route. Use the nexthop.vrf attribute with no value (null
) to create a VRF static route with a next hop in the global routing table.
Platform Support
netlab supports static routes on these platforms:
Operating system |
Global |
VRF static |
Inter-VRF |
Arista EOS |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Aruba AOS-CX |
✅ |
✅ |
Cisco IOS/XE[1] |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Cumulus Linux 4.x |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
✅ |
Linux |
✅ |
❌ |
❌ |
Global Static Routes
You can define global static routes in the routing.static topology attribute. The definition of global static routes is a dictionary of static route lists, allowing you to include a subset of global static routes into individual nodes.
To include a global static route list into the node static routes, use the include attribute in a node static route entry. For example, you could use the following definitions to include the default routes pointing to node X into node C:
- ipv4:
ipv6: ::/0
nexthop.node: x
module: [ ospf ]
module: [ routing,ospf ]
- include: default
links: [ c-p, p-x ]
You can override the next hop of the included static routes with the nexthop attribute specified in the include entry. For example, you can change the next hop of the default route on the C router to point to the upstream P router:
- ipv4:
ipv6: ::/0
nexthop.node: x
module: [ ospf ]
module: [ routing ]
- include: default
nexthop.node: p
links: [ c-p, p-x ]
Advanced Topics
Using Global- and Node-Level Routing Objects
A routing object (routing policy, prefix filter, BGP AS-path filter, or BGP community filter) will not be configured on a network device if it’s not defined within the node routing.object dictionary.
That’s usually not a problem as the users of routing policies (for example, the bgp.policy plugin) copy global routing policies and all filters used by those routing policies into node data whenever the lab topology references a global routing policy, or when a local routing policy references a global filter. However, you might need a placeholder routing object that is later used in a custom template. To force a global routing object to be copied and configured on a node, mention its name in the corresponding node routing dictionary without giving it a value.
For example, use the following code snippet if you want to have route map P1 defined on node R1 even though no netlab configuration construct uses it:
- set.locpref: 100
The above lab topology will copy the contents of the P1 global routing policy into the R1 routing.policy dictionary, resulting in the corresponding route map configured on R1.
Merging Routing Objects
When a routing object (routing policy, prefix filter, BGP AS-path filter, or BGP community filter) is defined globally as well as within a node, netlab tries to merge the two definitions based on the sequence numbers attached to the routing object entries:
Global routing object entries with sequence numbers that do not exist in the node-level routing object are added to that object.
The resulting list is sorted based on the sequence numbers.
For example, consider the following routing policy definitions:
- pool: loopback
- match.prefix: loopbacks
set.locpref: 100
- 200
- match.prefix: loopbacks
set.locpref: 200
- sequence: 15
set.prepend.path: 65000
The entries in routing policies without sequence numbers get their sequence numbers assigned based on their position in the routing policy list. The above example is thus equivalent to:
- sequence: 10
match.prefix: loopbacks
set.locpref: 100
- sequence: 20 200
- sequence: 10
match.prefix: loopbacks
set.locpref: 200
- sequence: 15
set.prepend.path: 65000
The results of the merging process should now be self-explanatory. The sequence number 20 is missing from the node-level routing policy. That entry is added from the global routing policy, and the results are sorted, giving us the following routing policy on R1:
- sequence: 10
match.prefix: loopbacks
set.locpref: 200
- sequence: 15
set.prepend.path: 65000
- sequence: 20 200