Building a Cisco CSR 1000v Vagrant Libvirt Box
Cisco CSR 1000v is supported by the netlab libvirt package command. To build a CSR 1000v box:
Create an empty directory on a Ubuntu machine with libvirt and Vagrant.
Download a CSR disk image (.qcow2 file) with -serial in the file name (example:
) into that directoryExecute netlab libvirt package csr virtual-disk-file-name and follow the instructions
You MUST have a CSR disk image that expects to be configured through the serial interface for this procedure to work. If all you have is an image that expects a graphics card, the original recipe on might still work for you.
If you’re using a netlab release older than 1.8.2, or if you’re using a Linux distribution other than Ubuntu, please read the box-building caveats first.
Initial Device Configuration
During the box-building process (inspired by this solution) you’ll have to copy-paste initial device configuration. netlab libvirt config csr command displays the build recipe (based on the recipe published by Brad Searle):
Creating initial configuration for Cisco CSR 1000v
* Answer 'no' to the 'Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog' prompt
* Answer 'yes' to the 'Would you like to terminate autoinstall' prompt
* Press ENTER to start a CLI session
* Go into enable mode, enter configuration mode
* Copy-paste the following configuration
hostname csr
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name lab.local
no service config
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
ip ssh version 2
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization exec default local
username vagrant privilege 15 secret vagrant
ip ssh pubkey-chain
username vagrant
key-hash ssh-rsa DD3BB82E850406E9ABFFA80AC0046ED6
vrf definition MGMT
description Management interface
address-family ipv4
interface GigabitEthernet1
vrf forwarding MGMT
description vagrant-management
ip address dhcp client-id GigabitEthernet1
no shutdown
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh
* Save the configuration with 'wr mem'
* Disconnect from console (ctrl-] usually works).
Notes on Using CSR Box
If you’re experiencing high CPU utilization with Cisco CSR, set halt_poll_ns to zero.