
Edgeshark discovers the virtual communication on container hosts and can provide live capture with Wireshark with a single click. The capture function requires the installation of the cshargextcap Wireshark plugin. The plugin repository provides detailed installation instructions for multiple platforms.

Add the following lines to a lab topology file to use Edgeshark with netlab:



  • Edgeshark can capture traffic on virtual interfaces but not on libvirt point-to-point tunnels (more details).

  • A single instance of Edgeshark can discover the virtual communication of all labs running on your server.

  • If you use the multilab plugin, enable Edgeshark in a single (preferably dedicated) lab instance.

  • The Edgeshark containers will be stopped when the netlab lab instance that started them is shut down.

  • Edgeshark works with a subset of netlab-supported platforms. netlab does not check whether Edgeshark supports all the devices used in the lab topology.