Lab Topology Attribute Validation

netlab includes a comprehensive validation framework that checks attributes of all core topology elements and optional configuration modules. Valid attributes, their data types, and other constraints are defined in the attributes dictionary within the topology-defaults.yml file and individual module definitions.

Attribute Validation Basics

Various data model transformation routines check:

  • Global attributes defined in

  • Address pool attributes defined in attributes.pool

  • Group attributes defined in and augmented with attributes.node

  • Node attributes defined in attributes.node

  • Link attributes combined from and attributes.link_internal

  • Interface attributes combined from attributes.interface and but without attributes.link_no_propagate

  • VLAN attributes defined in attributes.vlan

  • VRF attributes defined in attributes.vrf

  • Prefix attributes defined in attributes.prefix

Group, node, link, interface, VLAN, and VRF attributes are augmented with module attributes based on modules configured on individual groups, nodes (node and interface attributes), or the list of all modules used in a lab topology (link, VLAN, VRF attributes).

attributes dictionary has additional elements that define extra attributes and propagation of attributes between lab topology objects:

  • internal global attributes are valid but not checked

  • link_internal link attributes are valid but not checked

  • Link module attributes are copied to interface attributes unless the module is mentioned in the link_module_no_propagate list

  • Pool attributes are copied to prefixes unless they are mentioned in the pool_no_copy list

  • Node attributes mentioned in the node_copy list are copied into node’s interfaces

  • Global module attributes are copied into node attributes unless they’re listed in a module no_propagate list

  • Individual modules could use additional values in the attributes dictionary. For example, the VLAN module uses the vlan_no_propagate list to control which VLAN attributes are not copied into links or SVI interfaces.

Specifying Valid Attributes

Core- or module-specific attribute types that are validated (global, node, link, interface, pool, prefix, groups, vlan, vrf) are specified as dictionaries of valid attributes.

The keys of the data type definition dictionaries are the valid attribute names, the values are the attribute data type descriptions (see also Special Attribute Dictionary Keys).

For example, this is the definition of valid gateway attributes and their data types:

      id: int
      protocol: { type: str, valid_values: [ anycast, vrrp ] }
        unicast: bool
        mac: mac
        group: int
        priority: int
        preempt: bool
      id: int
      ipv4: { type: ipv4, use: interface }
      protocol: { type: str, valid_values: [ anycast, vrrp ] }
        unicast: bool
        mac: mac
        group: int
        priority: int
        preempt: bool

The dictionary-based approach allows in-depth validation of nested attributes, where each attribute could be:

  • Another dictionary without the type key (use for nested attributes)

  • A string specifying the desired data type.

  • A dictionary specifying the data type in type key, and containing additional parameters described in Valid Data Types.

Valid Data Types

Validator recognizes standard Python data types (str, int, bool, list or dict) and the following networking-specific data types:

Data type.



AS number (an integer between 1 and 65535)


Valid device (platform) identifier


Identifier (containing A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore)


An IPv4 address, prefix, integer (offset in a subnet), or bool (unnumbered)


An IPv6 address, prefix, integer (offset in a subnet), or bool (LLA only)


MAC address in any format recognized by the netaddr library




Valid node name


An IPv4 or IPv6 prefix


Route distinguisher (ASN:ID or IP:ID)

The data type can be specified as a string (without additional parameters) or a dictionary with a type attribute (data type as a string) and other type-specific validation parameters.

For example, VLAN link parameters include access and native, which can be any string value, as well as mode that must have one of the predefined values:

      access: str
      native: str
      mode:  { type: str, valid_values: [ bridge, irb, route] }

All attributes defined with a dictionary (mode in the above example, but not access or native) can use the following validation parameters:

  • true_value – value to use when the parameter is set to True

  • _requires – a list of modules that must be enabled in global- or node context to allow the use of this attribute. See vrfs in modules/vrf.yml and vlans in modules/vlan.yml for more details.

  • _required (bool) – the attribute must be present if the parent in the parent dictionary

  • _alt_typesalternate data types

See Data Type Definition Examples for more details.

Further Data Type Validation Options

When an attribute has a data type defined with the type attribute, you can use the following attributes to perform value-based validations:

Data type

Value validation option


valid_values – list of valid values


valid_values – list of valid values, checked for every element in the list

create_empty (bool) – replace None value with an empty list

_subtype – validate values as belonging to the specified subtype


create_empty (bool) – replace None value with an empty dictionary

_keys – validation rules for individual dictionary keys.

_subtype – validate values as belonging to the specified subtype

_keytype – validate keys as belonging to the specified scalar type

_list_to_dictvalue can be specified as a list


max_length – maximum identifier length


min_value – minimum parameter value

max_value – maximum parameter value


usethe use of IPv4 address/prefix


usethe use of IPv6 address/prefix


  • _keys attribute is rarely used in dictionary definitions. Using a shortcut definition is much better. See examples for a counterexample.

Data Type Definition Examples

VLAN ID is an integer between 1 and 4K. VXLAN ID is an integer between 1 and 16M. This is how they are defined in the vlan definition:

    id: { type: int, min_value: 1, max_value: 4095 }
    vni: { type: int, min_value: 1, max_value: 16777215 }

BGP sessions is a dictionary of per-AF BGP session types. The value of is defined as a dictionary which triggers recursive validation:

      ipv4: [ ibgp, ebgp ]
      ipv6: [ ibgp, ebgp ]

clab provider parameters include a type attribute, colliding with the validation type attribute. Valid clab attributes thus have to be specified with _keys dictionary:

    type: dict
    _keys:          # Make keys explicit to get around the 'type' attribute
      kind: str
      type: str
      cmd: str

The global vlans dictionary can be used only with the vlan module:

    vlans:                        # vlans is a valid global parameter
      type: dict                  # It's a dictionary
      _requires: [ vlan ]         # ... that requires VLAN module

The global vrfs attribute is a dictionary of vrf definitions. The VRF names must be valid identifiers.

    vrfs:                         # vrfs is a valid global parameter
      type: dict                  # It's a dictionary
      _subtype: vrf               # ... of VRF definitions
      _keytype: id                # ... where the VRF names must be valid identifiers
      _requires: [ vrf ]          # ... that requires VRF module

You can specify a list of BGP session types for the MPLS 6PE functionality. However, you can also specify a True value for the global mpls.6pe attribute to enable the feature. The True value gets translated into a default list (enable 6PE on IBGP sessions):

      6pe: { type: list, true_value: [ ibgp ] }

Shortcut Data Type Definitions

netlab supports several shortcuts that make type definitions easier to create and read:

  • A data type definition that is a string is transformed into a dictionary with the type key.

  • A data type definition that is a list will match a list value. The value of the data type definition is used as the list of valid values.

  • A data type definition that is a dictionary without the type key will match a dictionary. Keys starting with ‘_’ (data validation parameters) will be retained in the data type definition, and all other keys will be transferred into the _keys dictionary.

String example

device_name: str

Is transformed into:

  type: str

List example:

x: [ a,b,c ]

… is transformed into

  type: list
  valid_values: [ a,b,c ]

Dictionary example:

  _alt_types: [ NoneType ]
  ipv4: bool
  ipv6: bool

… is transformed into:

  _alt_types: [ NoneType ]
    ipv4: bool
    ipv6: bool

User-Defined Data Types

Consider using user-defined data types if you use the same data structure in multiple places. You can define them in defaults.attributes and use them to validate any attribute.


When using user-defined data types, you must specify them as a string value of a validated attribute. You cannot use user-defined data types as a value for ‌type validation attribute.

For example, the bgp.session plugin defines BGP timers as exbs_timers user-defined data type:

attributes:                   # User-defined data types
  exbs_timers:                # BGP timers: keepalive, hold, min_hold -- integers with a value range
      type: int
      min_value: 1
      max_value: 300
      type: int
      min_value: 3
      max_value: 3600
      type: int
      min_value: 3
      max_value: 3600

The exbs_timers data type is then used to validate bgp.timers global- and node attribute:

      timers: exbs_timers
      timers: exbs_timers

Please note that the following definition (using exbs_timers as the value of timers type attribute) would not work:

        type: exbs_timers ### INVALID, WON'T WORK

You can use the _namespace attribute within the user-defined data types to add attributes from other objects. For example, as you can use link attributes in VLAN definitions, the vlan definition (see modules/vlan.yml) includes the _namespace attribute:

  vlan:                           # Define the VLAN object type
    id: { type: int, min_value: 1, max_value: 4095 }
    vni: { type: int, min_value: 1, max_value: 16777215 }
    mode: { type: str, valid_values: [ bridge, irb, route ] }
    _namespace: [ link ]          # VLANs can include link attributes

Alternate Data Types

Some netlab attributes could take a dictionary value, alternate values (True usually meaning use default, or None meaning I don’t care, do what you want), or a list of keys.

Specifying Alternate Data Types

_alt_types list (commonly used within a dictionary of valid attributes) specifies alternate data types that can be used instead of the primary data type. The types in the _alt_types list cannot be user-defined data types.

Example: attribute can take a dictionary of address families, or it could be left empty (None) to tell netlab to use the address families defined on the node:

        _alt_types: [ NoneType ]
        ipv4: bool
        ipv6: bool

Example: A link prefix could be a dictionary (containing IPv4/IPv6 values checked elsewhere), a string that could be an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix, or a boolean value.

      type: dict
      _alt_types: [ bool, prefix_str ]

Dictionary Specified As a List

Some netlab attributes that are supposed to be a dictionary can take a list value. That list value is transformed into a dictionary: list elements become dictionary keys, and a default value is used for the dictionary values. Add the _list_to_dict key to the attribute specification to validate such attributes. The _list_to_dict key specifies the default value used when converting a list into a dictionary.

_list_to_dict parameter is commonly used with address family parameters. For example, OSPF allows parameter to be a list of enabled address families or a dictionary of address families with True/False values, for example:

- name: c_nxos
  device: nxos [ ipv4 ]
- name: c_csr
  device: csr True

The attribute definition for attribute uses _list_to_dict to cope with both:

        _list_to_dict: True
        _alt_types: [ NoneType ]
        ipv4: bool
        ipv6: bool

IP Address Validation

ipv4 and ipv6 validators have a mandatory use parameter that can take the following values:

  • interface – an IP address specified on an interface. It can take a True/False value and does not have to include a prefix length.

  • prefix – an IP prefix. It can take a True/False value and must include prefix length/subnet mask.

  • id (IPv4 only) – an IPv4 address or an integer. Use id for parameters like OSPF areas, BGP cluster IDs, or router IDs.

Special Attribute Dictionary Keys

The attribute dictionaries can contain these special keys:

  • _namespace: a list of additional namespaces recognized within the object. For example, the vlan object can contain link attributes (see netlab show attributes vlan --format yaml for an example)

  • _description: object description displayed in the netlab show attributes printout (see netlab show attributes _v_entry --format yaml for an example)