# Changes in Release 0.8 and 0.8.1 ## Unified CLI * Various scripts and Ansible playbooks are now available under a single [**netlab** command](../netlab/cli.md) * Legacy commands are still available when forking the GitHub repository. You can also emulate them using bash aliases created with **netlab alias** command. ## New Platform Support (release 0.8.1) * Cumulus VX containers or micro-VMs are supported under *containerlab* provider * Baseline Nokia SR Linux support under *containerlab* provider ## Installation as a Python Package * *netsim-tools* are available on PyPI. Installing the package also creates the **netlab** command. ## Virtual Lab Installation and Testing * **[netlab install](../netlab/install.md)** command can used to install Ubuntu components, Ansible, or Vagrant+libvirt. * **[netlab test](../netlab/test.md)** command sets up a fully-functional virtual test lab under VirtualBox or libvirt. Release 0.8.1 adds support for containerlab testing. ## Extending YAML Syntax with Dotted Keys (release 0.8.1) You can use hierarchical names in YAML files instead of a hierarchy of dictionaries. For example, you could replace... ``` addressing: loopback: ipv6: 2001:db8::/48 ``` ... with ``` addressing.loopback.ipv6: 2001:db8::/48 ``` ## Changing Topology with CLI Parameters (release 0.8.1) The new `-s` CLI parameter can be used to set individual topology parameters within the **netlab create** command. See **[netlab create](../netlab/create.md)** documentation for more details. ## Reorganizing Source Tree Ansible-related source code (playbooks, tasks, templates) has been moved into `netsim/ansible` directory to include it into the _netsim-tools_ package.