# Simple Device Inventory Output Module *devices* output module creates lab devices inventory as a dictionary of hosts in YAML format (default name: *netlab-devices.yml*). For every lab device, the *devices* output module: * Adds device-specific group variables (under **defaults.devices._device_.group_vars**) to device data; * Adds provider-specific group variables (under **defaults.providers._provider_.devices._device_.group_vars**) to device data; * Renames **mgmt.ip** attribute to **ansible_host** to be consistent with the Ansible inventory naming convention. The resulting data structure is almost identical to the output of **ansible-inventory** command taking in account group variable inheritance. A single formatting modifier can be used to modify the information in the device inventory: * **pools** -- Add addressing pool information as a **all.vars.pools** key. ## Example Sample lab topology ``` provider: clab defaults: device: eos nodes: - name: s1 - name: s2 device: frr links: - s1-s2 ``` Resulting *netlab-devices.yml* inventory (created with **[netlab create --devices](../netlab/create.md)**: ``` # Netlab Devices inventory created from ['topology.yml', 'package:topology-defaults.yml'] # --- s1: ansible_become: true ansible_become_method: enable ansible_connection: network_cli ansible_host: clab-X-s1 ansible_network_os: eos ansible_ssh_pass: admin ansible_user: admin box: ceos:4.25.1F device: eos hostname: clab-X-s1 id: 1 interface_name: eth%d kind: ceos links: - ifindex: 1 ifname: Ethernet1 ipv4: linkindex: 1 name: s1 -> s2 neighbors: s2: ifname: eth1 ipv4: provider_ifname: eth1 remote_id: 2 remote_ifindex: 1 type: p2p loopback: ipv4: mgmt: ifname: Management0 ipv4: mac: 08-4F-A9-00-00-01 s2: ansible_connection: docker ansible_host: clab-X-s2 ansible_network_os: frr box: frrouting/frr:v7.5.0 device: frr hostname: clab-X-s2 id: 2 kind: linux links: - ifindex: 1 ifname: eth1 ipv4: linkindex: 1 name: s2 -> s1 neighbors: s1: ifname: Ethernet1 ipv4: remote_id: 1 remote_ifindex: 1 type: p2p loopback: ipv4: mgmt: ifname: eth0 ipv4: mac: 08-4F-A9-00-00-02 ```