# Using libvirt/KVM with Vagrant *netlab* uses *Vagrant* with *vagrant-libvirt* plugin to start virtual machines in libvirt/KVM environment. To use libvirt/KVM environment on a Linux bare-metal server or a Linux VM: * Install *netlab* ([Linux server](../install/linux.md), [Ubuntu virtual machine](../install/ubuntu-vm.md)) * If you're using Ubuntu, execute **netlab install libvirt** to install KVM, libvirt, Vagrant, and vagrant-libvirt. You'll have to install the software manually on other Linux distributions. * [Download or build Vagrant boxes](#vagrant-boxes) * Create [lab topology file](../topology-overview.md). *libvirt* is the default virtualization provider and does not have to be specified in the topology file * Start the lab with **[netlab up](../netlab/up.md)** ```{warning} You MUST use **netlab up** to start the lab to ensure the virtual machines get correct management IP addresses -- **netlab up** creates the [*vagrant-libvirt* management network](libvirt-mgmt) with predefined IP address range and DHCP bindings. ``` ```eval_rst .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: none ``` ## Supported Versions We tested _netlab_ with Vagrant version 2.3.4 and vagrant-libvirt plugin version 0.11.2. These are also the versions installed by **netlab install libvirt** command. (libvirt-vagrant-boxes)= ## Vagrant Boxes Vagrant starts virtual machines from prepackaged VM images called *boxes*. While it's possible to download some network device images from Vagrant Cloud, you'll have to build most of the boxes you'd want to use in your lab. You have to use the following box names when installing or building the Vagrant boxes (see [supported platforms](../platforms.md) and **[netlab show images](../netlab/show.md)** for more details): | Virtual network device | Vagrant box name | | ---------------------- | --------------------------- | | Arista vEOS | arista/veos | | Aruba CX | aruba/cx | | Cisco ASAv | cisco/asav | | Cisco IOSv | cisco/iosv | | Cisco IOS XR | cisco/iosxr | | Cisco CRS 1000v | cisco/csr1000v | | Cisco Nexus 9300v | cisco/nexus9300v | | Dell OS10 | dell/os10 | | Fortinet FortiOS | fortinet/fortios | | Juniper vPTX (vJunos EVO) | juniper/vptx | | Juniper vSRX 3.0 | juniper/vsrx3 | | [Linux](linux.md) | generic/ubuntu2004 | | Mikrotik RouterOS 6 | mikrotik/chr | | Mikrotik RouterOS 7 | mikrotik/chr7 | The following Vagrant boxes are automatically downloaded from Vagrant Cloud when you're using them for the first time in your lab topology: | Virtual network device | Vagrant box name | |------------------------|--------------------| | Cumulus VX | CumulusCommunity/cumulus-vx:4.4.0 | | Cumulus VX 5.0 (NVUE) | CumulusCommunity/cumulus-vx:5.0.1 | | Generic Linux | generic/ubuntu2004 | | VyOS | vyos/current | **NOTES**: * Even if a new box version is available from Vagrant Cloud, Vagrant will only output a warning to let the user know an update is available. You can ignore that warning or update the box with `vagrant box update`. * Vagrant does not automatically download the updated boxes because boxes can be relatively large (See [Vagrant box versioning](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vagrant/docs/boxes/versioning) for details). * We recommend that you periodically download the updated box for `vyos/current` ### Building Your Own Boxes * [Arista vEOS](eos.md) * [Aruba CX](arubacx.md) * [Cisco ASAv](asav.md) * [Cisco IOSv](iosv.md) * [Cisco CSR](csr.md) * [Cisco IOS XR](iosxr.md) * [Cisco Nexus OS](nxos.md) * [Dell OS10](dellos10.md) by [Stefano Sasso](http://stefano.dscnet.org) * [Fortinet FortiOS](https://blog.petecrocker.com/post/fortinet_vagrant_libvirt/) by [Pete Crocker](https://blog.petecrocker.com/about/) * [Juniper vPTX](vptx.md) * [Juniper vSRX 3.0](vsrx.md) * [Mikrotik RouterOS 7](routeros7.md) - based on the original [Mikrotik RouterOS](http://stefano.dscnet.org/a/mikrotik_vagrant/) by [Stefano Sasso](http://stefano.dscnet.org) * [VyOS](https://github.com/ssasso/packer-vyos-vagrant) by [Stefano Sasso](http://stefano.dscnet.org) - if you don't want to use the one from Vagrant Cloud. ```{note} For more Vagrant details, watch the *[Network Simulation Tools](https://my.ipspace.net/bin/list?id=NetTools#SIMULATE)* part of *[Network Automation Tools](https://www.ipspace.net/Network_Automation_Tools)* webinar. ``` ### Modifying VM Settings The following node parameters influence the VM configuration created by *vagrant-libvirt*: * **cpu** -- number of virtual CPUs allocated to the VM * **memory** -- VM memory (in MB) * **libvirt.nic_model_type** -- VM NIC model (example: e1000). Default _netlab_ settings usually work fine. * **libvirt.nic_adapter_count** -- maximum number of VM NICs (default: 8) ### Replacing Vagrant Boxes If you want to rebuild and install a Vagrant box with the same version number, you have to remove the old box manually. You also have to delete the corresponding volume (disk image) from *libvirt* storage pool (*vagrant-libvirt* plugin installs new boxes but does not clean up the old ones). To delete an old version of a Vagrant box use a procedure similar to the one described below: * Use `vagrant box list` to list the installed boxes * Use `vagrant box remove --box-version=` to delete the Vagrant box[^VV] * Use `virsh vol-list --pool default`[^DP] to list the installed Vagrant boxes * Find the relevant volume name, for example, `cisco-VAGRANTSLASH-iosxr_vagrant_box_image_7.4.2_box.img` for an IOS XR 7.4.2 image * Delete the volume with `virsh vol-delete --pool default ` [^VV]: You don't have to specify the box version unless you created multiple versions of the same box. [^DP]: *libvirt* environment created with the **netlab install libvirt** installation script uses the *default* storage pool. A custom installation might use a different storage pool name. The new Vagrant box will be copied into the *libvirt* storage pool the next time you'll use the affected device in your lab. (libvirt-network)= ## Libvirt Networking *netlab* uses *libvirt* networks and P2P UDP tunnels to implement topology links: * P2P UDP tunnels are used for links with two nodes and link **type** set to **p2p** (default behavior for links with two nodes). P2P tunnels are transparent; you can run any layer-2 control-plane protocol (including LACP) over them. * *libvirt* networks are used for all other links. They are automatically created and deleted by **vagrant up** and **vagrant down** commands executed by **netlab up** and **netlab down**. **netlab up** sets the `group_fwd_mask` for all Vagrant-created Linux bridges to 0x4000 to [enable LLDP passthrough](https://blog.ipspace.net/2020/12/linux-bridge-lldp.html). (libvirt-network-external)= ### Connecting to the Outside World Lab networks are created as private, very-isolated *libvirt* networks without a DHCP server. If you want to have a lab network connected to the outside world set the **libvirt.public** and/or **libvirt.uplink** link attributes (setting one of them is enough): * Set **libvirt.public** link attribute to **true**, or to any value [supported by *libvirt*](https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#direct-attachment-to-physical-interface)[^MACVTAP]. * Set **libvirt.uplink** link attribute to the name of the Ethernet interface on your server[^IFNAME] if your Linux distribution does not use **eth0** as the name of the Ethernet interface[^U22]. [^MACVTAP]: The default value for the **libvirt.public** attribute is **bridge** which creates a *[macvtap](https://virt.kernelnewbies.org/MacVTap)* interface for every node connected to the link. Example: use the following topology to connect your lab to the outside world through `r1` on a Linux server that uses `enp86s0` as the name of the Ethernet interface: ``` defaults.device: cumulus nodes: [ r1,r2 ] links: - r1-r2 - r1: libvirt: uplink: enp86s0 ``` [^IFNAME]: Use **ip addr** or **ifconfig** find the interface name. [^U22]: Example: Ubuntu 22.04 uses weird interface names based on underlying NIC type. Finally, if you want to connect the management network to the outside world, create the management network [based on an existing Linux bridge](libvirt-mgmt) that is already connected to the outside world or enable port forwarding. ### Using Existing Libvirt Networks To attach lab devices to existing *libvirt* virtual networks: * Set the link **bridge** attribute to the name of an existing network. * Set the link **libvirt.permanent** attribute to **True** to tell *vagrant-libvirt* plugin it should not destroy the network on shutdown. You can use this functionality to attach lab devices to public networks or networks extended with VXLAN transport. ```{warning} **vagrant destroy** command will crash if it tries to destroy an existing non-persistent *libvirt* network, stopping the **netlab down** procedure. Rerun the **netlab down** command to complete the lab shutdown/cleanup process. ``` (libvirt-mgmt)= ### Libvirt Management Network *vagrant-libvirt* plugin uses a dedicated *libvirt* network to connect the VM management interfaces to the host TCP/IP stack. **netlab up** command creates that network before executing **vagrant up** to ensure the network contains the expected DHCP mappings. The management network is automatically deleted when you execute **netlab down** (recommended) or **vagrant destroy**. You can change the parameters of the management network in the **addressing.mgmt** pool: * **ipv4**: The IPv4 prefix used for the management network (default: ``) * **ipv6**: Optional IPv6 management network prefix. Not set by default. * **start**: The offset of the first VM management IP address in the management network (default: `100`). For example, with **start** set to 50, the device with **node.id** set to 1 will get 51st IP address in the management IP prefix. * **\_network**: The *libvirt* network name (default: `vagrant-libvirt`) * **\_bridge**: The name of the underlying Linux bridge (default: `libvirt-mgmt`) * **\_permanent**: set to `True` to use an existing *libvirt* network as the management network. **netlab up** will create the network if it does not exist and tell Vagrant not to remove it when the lab is stopped. **Important caveats:** * **netlab up** uses XML definition in `templates/provider/libvirt/vagrant-libvirt.xml` within the Python package directory ([source file](https://github.com/ipspace/netlab/blob/master/netsim/templates/provider/libvirt/vagrant-libvirt.xml)) to create the management network. If you'd like to change the management network parameters, create a custom XML definition file in `libvirt/vagrant-libvirt.xml` in current directory, `~/.netlab` directory or `/etc/netlab` directory. * If you want to use an existing libvirt network as the management network, make sure it has the same static DHCP mappings as the management network created by **netlab up** command. ### VM Management IP Addresses The only way to assign management IP addresses to network devices started as virtual machines is through DHCP, and *vagrant* together with *libvirt* (and *dnsmasq*) provides a seamless mechanism to do so. *netlab* creates static DHCP mappings in the management network ([see above](libvirt-mgmt)) and asks *vagrant-libvirt* to set the MAC address of the VM management interface to a well-known value, ensuring that each VM gets the expected management IP address assigned by *netlab* based on the [device node ID](node-augment) and the **[start](address-pool-specs)** parameter of the [**mgmt** address pool](../addressing.md). If you want your virtual machines to have fixed management IP addresses (for example, to be accessed from an external management tool), change the **addressing.mgmt** parameters, set node **id** parameters to the desired values, and let *netlab* do the rest of the work. (libvirt-port-forwarding)= ### Port Forwarding *netlab* supports *vagrant-libvirt* port forwarding -- mapping of TCP ports on VM management IP address to ports on the host. You can use port forwarding to access the lab devices via the host external IP address without exposing the management network to the outside world. Port forwarding is disabled by default and can be enabled by configuring the **defaults.providers.libvirt.forwarded** dictionary. Dictionary keys are TCP port names (ssh, http, https, netconf), dictionary values are start values of host ports. *netlab* assigns a unique host port to every VM forwarded port based on the start value and VM node ID. For example, when given the following topology... ``` defaults.providers.libvirt.forwarded: ssh: 2000 defaults.device: cumulus nodes: r1: r2: id: 42 ``` ... *netlab* maps: * SSH port on management interface of R1 to host port 2001 (R1 gets default node ID 1) * SSH port on management interface of R2 to host port 2042 (R2 has static ID 42) ## Starting Virtual Machines in Batches *vagrant-libvirt* plugin tries to start all the virtual machines specified in `Vagrantfile` in parallel. The resulting strain on CPU resources might cause VM boot failures in very large topologies. As a workaround, you can configure **libvirt** virtualization provider to execute a series of `vagrant up` commands to start the virtual machines in smaller batches: * Configure the batch size with **defaults.providers.libvirt.batch_size** parameter (an integer between 1 and 50) * Configure idle interval between batches (if needed) with **defaults.providers.libvirt.batch_interval** parameter (between 1 and 1000 seconds). Example: ``` provider: libvirt defaults.device: cumulus defaults.providers.libvirt.batch_size: 2 defaults.providers.libvirt.batch_interval: 10 nodes: [ a,b,c,x,z ] module: [ ospf ] links: [ a-x, a-z, b-x, b-z, c-x, c-z ] ``` Please note that the `batch_size` is set artificially low so that this pretty small topology generates three batches. Realistic `batch_size` depends on your hardware resources (CPU, memory) and VM type. You can use the [netlab environment variables](defaults-env) to set the batch sizes without changing lab topology or _netlab_ defaults, for example: ``` $ export NETLAB_PROVIDERS_LIBVIRT_BATCH__SIZE=2 $ export NETLAB_PROVIDERS_LIBVIRT_BATCH__INTERVAL=10 ``` ```{tip} The virtual machines are batched based on their order in **‌nodes** list/dictionary. You might want to adjust the node order to group virtual machines with long start times (for example, Cisco Nexus OS or Juniper vSRX) into as few batches as possible. ``` ```{eval-rst} .. toctree:: :caption: Box Building Recipes :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: eos.md arubacx.md asav.md csr.md iosv.md iosxr.md nxos.md dellos10.md vsrx.md vptx.md linux.md routeros7.md .. ```