# Building a Dell OS10 Vagrant Libvirt Box Dell OS10 is supported by the **netlab libvirt package** command. ```{warning} * Dell provides the OS10 Virtual image as a set of vmdk and gns3a files to be used within GNS3. The following procedure will "convert" the required files for using them with Vagrant. * The **‌netlab libvirt package dellos10** command has been tested on Ubuntu and might not work on other Linux distros. * On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, `libvirt-qemu` user needs read and execute access to the VM disk file. It's easiest if you create Vagrant boxes in a subdirectory of the `/tmp` directory. * *‌virt-install* might report a fatal error on Ubuntu 22.04. Execute `export VIRTINSTALL_OSINFO_DISABLE_REQUIRE=1` in your shell and restart the build process. ``` To prepare for the build: * Download OS10 files into `/tmp` directory * Create an empty directory on a Ubuntu machine with *libvirt* and *Vagrant*. * Convert these *vmdk* files into *qcow2* format with *qemu-img* utility: * OS10-Disk-1.0.0.vmdk * OS10-Installer-``.vmdk * OS10-platform-``-``.vmdk ``` qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /tmp/OS10-Disk-1.0.0.vmdk OS10-Disk-1.qcow2 qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /tmp/OS10-Installer- hdb_OS10-installer.qcow2 qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /tmp/OS10-platform-S5224F- hdc_OS10-platform.qcow2 ``` To build a Dell OS10 box based on the above install image: * Execute **netlab libvirt package dellos10 OS10-Disk-1.qcow2** and follow the instructions ## Initial Device Configuration During the box-building process you'll have to copy-paste initial device configuration. **netlab libvirt config dellos10** command displays the build recipe: ```{eval-rst} .. include:: dellos10.txt :literal: ```